I'll contact that, and a dual xex menu 1.4. Configuration menu * Real XBox save system for the configuration. Be formatted for your Xbox) On the right side of Horizon your device. XeXmenu v1.2 Download and Tutorial Requirements XeXmenu v1.2. You can then load XEX Menu directly from the dashboard, giving you FTP access to the Jtag or RGH hacked Xbox 360. You can burn the ISO of XEX Menu to a CD or DVD and place it in the Xbox 360. The ISO version of XEX Menu is useful for people with new Jtag or RGH Xbox 360 consoles. You will need: – A USB key – A Xbox 360 – USB Xtaf Gui. In this tutorial i will explain you how to install XeXMenu or FSD installer on a USB Key. Point and click on the points in the image that you would like to record. Precision Image Digitizer - Trace & record the coordinates of your selected points in a JPG, GIF, or BMP.